Quote dari serial Dark yang tayang di Netflix kerap dipilih untuk dijadikan caption Instagram, Instagram Story, dan WhatsApp Story.
Nah, kali ini kami merangkum 10+ quotes Dark dari Netflix.
Kumpulan quotes atau kutipan dari serial Netflix ini dapat kamu kreasikan dengan foto atau ilustrasi lain agar lebih menarik.
Langsung saja, berikut 10+ quotes Dark dari Netflix!
1. "The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end."
2. "What we know is a drop. What we don’t know is an ocean."
3. "Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected."
4. "Fear is the worst enemy of progress."
5. "If I now change my past, I will change who I am right now."
6. "Every decision for something is a decision against something else."
7. "God has a plan for every human being."
8. "We are all full of sin. No pure human being exists."
9. "There is no such thing as magic, just illusion. Things only change when we change them. But you have to do it skillfully, in secret. Then it seems like magic."
10. "There was this sadness in his eyes. The kind you sometimes see in those who want to die, but life won’t let them."
11. "What if everything that came from the past was influenced by the future."
12. "There are things out there that our little minds will never comprehend."
13. "Good and evil are a question of perspective."
14. "We’re wanderers in the darkness."
15. "In the end we will all get just what we deserve."
Itulah 10+ quotes Dark dari Netflix!
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